Superfest Registration – Friday Cruise-In



Friday Cruise-In

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Friday Cruise-In

Friday evening, Multi-Lakes hosts a cruise-in and fish fry! The event is open to all kinds of classics and hot rods.  While not an official part of Camaro Superfest, we have been invited to attend.  There is no cost to show your car, but we do ask that you RSVP so we can arrange a Camaro corral.  The fish fry dinner is available 5:30-8:00pm and is $13.50 paid directly to Multi-Lakes. A sample menu for the evening would include: Fried Fish, Baked Fish, Broasted Chicken, Macaroni & Cheese, Fries, Coleslaw.


CAMARO SUPERFEST is a rain or shine event!! Activities will only be canceled in the case of extreme weather conditions. NO refunds will be issued and your fees will be considered donations to our charity. All items are to be picked up at the show; we are unable to ship items to you.

Participant’s car MUST be insured by participant. Neither the Eastern Michigan Camaro Club, Camaro Superfest, Multi Lakes Conservation Association, Commerce Charter Township, their agents, employees, volunteers, guests, or representatives shall be held responsible for ANY loss or damage to the participant’s car, person or property. All Participants must accept the RELEASE AND WAIVER OF RESPONSIBILITY in order to register.

Participant shall follow all event rules set up by the Event Management and said Management will have final authority concerning any event decisions. Participant must be 18 years or older. If under 18, parent or Legal Guardian must accept responsibility for participant’s actions.

6659 Schaefer Rd. Suite 1199
Dearborn, MI 48126