

The Eastern Michigan Camaro Club is a registered non-profit club in the State of Michigan, with the purpose of promoting fun and fellowship between its members and other Camaro owners, and promoting the Chevrolet Camaro. Our meetings are on the THIRD MONDAYS of each month and are held at various locations. 

Meeting locations are in our monthly newsletter and website. Meetings start at 7:30pm.

Membership is only $20 per year for all members. Members joining before Oct 1 are paid for that calendar year. Those members joining after Sept 30 are paid through the following calendar year. All members renew their membership in January.

EMCC membership includes window sticker, ID card, monthly newsletter, discount on parts, and lots of great CAMARO friends and fun!

Click button to view/print our application.

Join Online

When you click the SUBMIT & PAY button, you will be redirected to make payment. Once the payment is completed, you will be redirected back to this page with your confirmation number.

In case of a payment error, do not resubmit the form, we will contact you for payment separately.

Renew Membership

When you click the SUBMIT & PAY button, you will be redirected to make payment. Once the payment is completed, you will be redirected back to this page with your confirmation number.

In case of a payment error, do not resubmit the form, we will contact you for payment separately.