Camaro Superfest -Judging and Awards


CAMARO SUPERFEST 2025 will continue to use a judging system that has proven popular and efficient — Drive-to Judging!! What this means is that when you and your Camaro are ready to be judged, just drive up to the appropriate lane at the judging area then the Judges will take over. Note: Judging will take place on Saturday ONLY.  There will be judging in several classes, so your chance of ranking at the top is pretty good. Please see the “LIST OF JUDGING CLASSES” below which shows you the many options. Choose the one which best suits your entry when you fill out the Registration Form. To ensure judging consistency, please self-classify your car accurately. Judging is based on cleanliness, preparation, and attention to details.


Who better to classify your Camaro… than YOU!! It’s not hard to do… we simply ask you to be HONEST in the evaluation of your Camaro so that everyone having their Camaro judged, will enjoy the process and be given a fair try at winning an award. This year, your Camaro will be classified as either Stock, Street (slightly altered from stock), or Modified (heavily modified) and awards will be given for each. Please refer to the Self-Classification Check List below. If your judge(s) feel that your car has been misclassified, they reserve the right to move it into a more appropriate class. If you do need to ask a question please feel free to email one of our judging team, either Don at or or Paul at 

Self-Classification Checklist
Judging Score Card


Awards will be given to the top 5 finishers in each of the six generations for Stock, Street, and Modified classes.  This year’s featured cars, 1969 Camaros, will also receive awards for the top 5 finishers in each of the Stock, Street, and Modified classes.

These are awards that are sponsored by businesses, clubs or even individuals. These are extra awards and not included in the class awards! The sponsor will pick the winner for their award and help give out the award at the end of the event! Please contact Don Jorgensen at 517-410-9304 for more details if you would like to give out an Award for CAMARO SUPERFEST 2025!

Have you always wanted to
get your car judged? Have you struggled with all the work and deep cleaning even for a “show and shine”? You know the paint is not perfect and probably would be beyond the “correction” stage. You yourself admit, it is just how you like it. Your Camaro, your daily driver, your gateway to fun and adventure with other Camaro owners. No trailer Queen, dry pavement, sunny-day-only work of art! It is, and/or has been, your companion through the years. Neither the desire nor the wherewithal to go “the next level.” Proud of every creak, rattle and vibration, well, because you put them there. It is your Camaro. And frankly you couldn’t give a rat’s behind about what some nose-out-of-place judge thinks of it. But, boy, wouldn’t it be great to have a judged classification just for you. Well, introducing Camaro Superfest’s “Harpo Edition” awards. If your 1969 Camaro fits any (or all) of the above descriptions and you wish to compete for that illustrious Camaro Superfest Winner’s Plaque, here’s your sign. Get it ready as best you can, register for judging, and most of all have your story ready because that is the real meaning of the “Harpo Edition”. And it might go something like this:

Mark Harpootlian had his eye on this one for some time. And after driving to Albany, New York Mark took a close look and had his doubts. Funny thing is, his Wife said they were not going home without a Camaro, so the deal was sealed. Wasn’t the most popular color. Wasn’t the highly sought after Z/28, SS, RS, COPO or anything the likes. But it was what he wanted(ish). And he got it. Made it his own with paint, inappropriate stripes, front and rear spoilers, 327 cid small block (not a 302, 350, 396 or even 427) (also not a 250) (all of which are OK, if that is what you want) middle-of-the-road HP. The desired four speed and wheels and tires of his choice. Not numbers matching but matching Mark.

This is the story of our friend Mark, who we lost to cancer last year, and his Camaro which we honor with this special class of judging at Camaro Superfest 2025. We can only promise to make Mark proud with whatever Camaros take these trophies home with them. There will be five first place winners awarded. Why? Well because those Camaros all deserve first place in your eyes. Not to mention Mark would have liked it this way.

So, think about your story. We wish Mark was here to tell his. But you can be, and we want to hear yours. That story has meaning to you, make it have meaning to everyone. We want to hear it, but most of all we want you to share it.


First Gen 1967-1968 Stock
First Gen 1967-1968 Street
First Gen 1967-1968 Modified

1969 Stock
1969 Street
1969 Modified

1969 Harpo Edition

Second Gen Stock
Second Gen Street
Second Gen Modified

Third Gen Stock
Third Gen Street
Third Gen Modified

Fourth Gen Stock
Fourth Gen Street
Fourth Gen Modified

Fifth Gen Stock
Fifth Gen Street
Fifth Gen Modified

Sixth Gen Stock
Sixth Gen Street
Sixth Gen Modified